Friday, May 15, 2009

No Power

Today, I got home and went to turn on the lights…”darn my light bulb is burned out” I thought. Then I went to the fridge to get a snack…”oh no! The light in the fridge is out.” I had no power. I tried calling my land lord and calling the electric facility. Then I decided there was no reason to stick around in a dark apartment and went and met Joko for a run. I came back refreshed and ready to combat the problem. That was for about 2 hours and then I realized that I was wet from running in the rain, hungry because it was now 8 PM, and uncomfortable because I was sitting on a wash machine in order to charge my phone (which was dead because I had thought it was charging all day). I decided I had done all I could and would hope I would be able to contact the electric company in the morning. I took a shower by candle light, and then ate as much as I could from my fridge since I knew that food wouldn’t last long…..oh boy…what an adventure this is going to be………..

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