Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kyaking and barbeque

The next morning Jeff and I had a nice breakfast together and then prepared the salad and veggie burgers for later. Then we headed out on a nice run. It was all trails, the sun was out, and the air felt fresh and clean. Alittle later, Nate and franny arrived from Grand Rapids, and Chris from Jeff’s church came over. We all went down to the river to rent Kayaks. Nate and Franny brought there own sweet Kayaks. I ended up getting a single and Jeff and Chris shared a double. We paddled up the river for about an hour. Then we floated back down. I don’t think I have ever floated down a river in a kayak! We then went back and 3 more friends came over for a barbeque. I had never made veggie burgers before and it ended up being quite a problem. They just were falling apart so I had to run up really quite to fry them in a skillet. Fortunately the beef burgers did not get cold. We had a great spread of curried pasta salad, quinoa salad, cornbread squares, lime tortilla chips, burgers, beers, and brownies. We got really lucky with the weather. It rained off and on all day but never when we were outside! We sat around Jeff’s apartment for a long time telling old stories and memories. I don’t think that I have laughed that much in quite awhile. It was one funny story after another.

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