10-10-10 is approaching quickly! I only really have one week of training left and then it is taper time. I am starting to get nervous. When you train hard for an event you really want to have everything come together. There are a lot of things that are always up in the air- temperature, wind, illness, on day or off day...you name it. Therefore I got to focus on the things that I can control. The most important- my attitude.
Although I am an inexperienced marathoner, I have had a good deal of experience in important races (nationals times 8). What I have learned is that you will run your best when you
a)remember that you have put in the work
b) stay calm
c) be curious and dream big
It's kind of like if you studied super super hard for a test and then went to school and the teacher was like- actually there will be no test. That wouldn't be cool. That's how you have to feel for a race if you are going to do well. In other words- I studied hard for this marathon and I want to be tested! :)
I started to feel a deal of stress about hitting an Olympic Qualifying time and I had to take a step back. If I am going to run well I cannot put pressure on myself instead I have to focused on enjoying my sport and being in the moment and letting the race just happen. Like everything in life- when you work hard and put yourself out there you feel much more since of accomplishment. 10-10-10 I'm ready for you! :)
I look forward to seeing a lot of people cheering and racing on 10-10-10. When I hear a familiar voice cheering or see a friend it is like getting a strong tail wind..it's weird but it really propels me forward :) !!
(PS- this was more of a pep talk to myself than anything else)