Saturday, July 11, 2009

Waterfall Glen, a new rug, worship, dinner,

Today was an awesome day. Beth and Rob picked me up at 8 AM to drive to Waterfall Glen to run. It was a great time. We ran into Kalina and a little while later ran into Toney. Didn’t know so many people went there to run. I liked the wide wooded paths. I also liked that the scenery changed quite a bit and it was hilly. There were really wooded areas and then areas with tall grass.

When I got back I showered, ate and left to go pick up a rug I had found on Craigslist. It took about 20 minutes to walk to the apartment. From there she helped me load the rug into a taxi cab (along with a bin of wrapping paper that she game me). It was a challenge when the taxi came to my place to get everything out of the taxi and into the lobby and pay him. Once in the lobby I pushed the box with my feet and carried the rug with both arms. Here is a picture of the new rug. I then talked to Jeff for an hour and then started reading and feel asleep for an hour. It felt so nice.

Later that night I went to a worship service at my church. I was planning on going to the play after that but I ended up going to dinner with Holly and Darrell after the worship service and not finishing with that until after the play started. The play is showing next Saturday night as well so it didn’t matter. We went to this awesome place called Pockets. It’s a popular chain (sorta fast-food) place. Here is a picture of the pockets to show how they are just bursting with veggies. You end up with like a sandwhich and a salad because they have so much insides. It’s d Holly and Darrell were going to Target so I went along and got some cleaning supplies that I needed and a storage foot stool thing (picture may come later.)

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