Saturday, March 27, 2010

Beer tasting party

My friend Beth's husband is into beer making and just finished a new batch. She had a bunch of people over to try the beer. Everyone was supposed to bring a 6 pack and what they liked to eat with that beer. I brought French fries : ) They actually were quite a hit. I don't really have a favorite beer so I brought fat tire. There were some great cooks there- one guy made homemade sausage! I asked him- so what's next? and he said in all seriousness "homemade mozzarella." I was quite impressed. I met another girl who had just gotten back from her honeymoon in Portland. We had a really good time. It was an awesome group of people. There were only a couple people at the party who HADN'T done a full ironman! crazy.

1 comment:

  1. haha. you run with a crowd of masochists. good thing you have beer parties.
