Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Art Museum

Today during lunch Ernie and I went to the Art Museum. Ernie has a family membership and invited me to be his daughter for the day and join him. He goes to the Art museum nearly every lunch because they have a different talk from 12-12:45 every day. Today was on Pollock. He was one of the first modern artists who did great big paintings where he dripped oil on the canvas. It was really interesting because he tried to paint “outside of his unconsciousness.” Yes I did mean to write unconsciousness and not consciousness. He believed that all societies had suppressed feeling and emotions that could only be uncovered by taking your mind out of your art. It was an interesting concept. Another interesting is that he always paints from left to right so some people consider his paintings a “calligraphy of his unconsciousness”- whatever that’s supposed to mean.

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